Eugene Lang Bursary
Rolling deadline
In memory of Eugene Lang (1920-2000) and to honour his love for and dedication to classical music in the Quinte region, the Eugene Lang Memorial Fund was established by Mr. Lang’s family to encourage and promote classical music education projects in schools in Hastings and Prince Edward Counties. An award, based on the interest accumulated in the fund during the preceding year, will be presented annually in the spring. Projects such as live performances, lectures, workshops, master classes, etc. will qualify.
Eligible projects will meet the following criteria:
- involve classical music, including performances, workshops or other projects
- have defined starting and completion dates, set objectives, a project budget and a follow-up plan for evaluations and a report
- involve a school and/or classroom of students within Hastings and Prince Edward counties
Precedence will be given to projects where the featured artist is a QAC individual or group member.
To apply