Rise 2025

Rise 2025

Submit your “RISE: Because We Are Equal” themed artwork to participate in this year’s Women’s Exhibition in the QAC Gallery. The theme of International Women’s Day 2025 is

“For ALL Women and Girls: Rights. Equality. Empowerment.”

Featured art will be displayed in the gallery for the month of March. Art drop off is March 3rd, 2025 at the QAC Gallery between 10-2 pm or by arrangement with QAC staff. (image art by Tina Osborne)

The deadline for applications is March 1st.

Please complete this form for your submission!

Click or drag files to this area to upload. You can upload up to 3 files.
You can include up to three (3) submissions to the show.
Please include: Title of the piece, Medium, Dimensions, Your Name and Price (if for sale), as you would like it displayed on the art card beside your work
Please include: Title of the piece, Medium, Dimensions, Your Name, and Price (if for sale), as you would like it displayed on the art card beside your work
Please include: Title of the piece, Medium, Dimensions, Your Name, and Price (if for sale), as you would like it displayed on the art card beside your work
Provide your social media details so the QAC Team can promote/tag your art online