Chris Finkle

I have been painting in oil’s on both board and canvas since 2012 as a student of the Jesus Estevez Art Academy. I enjoy landscape, portraiture, en plein air to name a few styles. I have been inspired by the masters such as Sargent, Rembrandt, Monet, van Gogh as well as many recent masters out of the United States. My artwork presently hangs throughout Canada and the States.
I have participated in en plein air in the community of Belleville every year since I started painting. I led instruction to a class of students in 2019 as part of a student show during the community arts week in the Quinte region. In 2019 I received a special recognition in show at The Parrott Art Gallery. I have participated in the online art exhibition “Places and Faces” through the Parrott Art Gallery. I have also participated as a student in a series of life drawing courses.
I have had many commissioned pieces and some are acquired by professional athletes, musicians, Brigadier General of Canada, as well as a Canadian Author with the esteemed Order of Canada designation. I have donated some pieces to the Rotary club of Belleville in support of their humanitarian programs.