Elaine Taranu

Multidisciplinary artist
Painting for me is a continuous series of observations, discoveries and exciting projects…as if I was discovering a new world in a new angle, and these angles change all the time. The curiosity and the learning curve never ends. I love high pigment colours and I also love adding a touch of fantasy to reality.​ I hope you will enjoy what you see! Welcome and leave me comments if you dare! 🙂
Bonjour ,
Merci de prendre le temps de visiter mon site web. Je vous invite a visualiser mon aventure artistique; comme il en est pour le reste de ma vie, mon art change et Ă©volue constamment. Parfois j’ai l’impression que je rĂ©apprends le monde sous un nouvel angle. On n’a jamais fini d’apprendre! J’espère que vous apprĂ©cierez mes peintures, mes couleurs intenses et les fantaisies que j’y ajoute! Bienvenue et laissez-moi des commentaires si le coeur vous en dit! 🙂
Elaine Taranu is Montreal born and has worked most of her life in Executive positions in Montreal and Toronto in the not for profit, charitable sector. She has lived in Montreal, Bogota, Toronto, Ottawa, Napanee , and now lives in Trenton, ON and Savannah GA, with her husband.
She is by and large a self-taught artist who enjoys learning from other artists and strives to master the complexities of painting. She has expanded her style in the past fifteen years to include charcoal, acrylic, enamel and oil paintings and explore semi-abstract and illustrative genres.
Elaine has exhibited her work in Ottawa, Greely, Manotick, Kingston, Napanee, Belleville, Trenton and in Savannah, Georgia in group, duo or as main guest exhibitor and has won several art related prizes and mentions .
Elaine also designs clothes and household articles, stemming from her paintings . You will find her paintings in the USA, Canada and France.
Follow on instagram Elaine Taranu