Esther Grav

Esther Grav is a fibre artist and runs her home based business, What’s Weft.
Esther has been weaving, spinning and dyeing since the mid 1970’s, and received her ‘Certificate of Weaving’ from the OHS program in 1990. She has always loved working with her hands and passing on the love of weaving & spinning to others.
Esther was introduced to felting in early as 2002. Over the past 20 years, Esther has been exploring the ancient art of wet felting. This exploration has led her to travel and work with master Felters, in Switzerland, England, other European countries, New Zealand, Australia and across Canada.
During the pandemic, Esther has taken online courses to revisit using natural dyes, and botanical printing. She now incorporates the use of natural and organic materials in her current work. The idea of exploring new techniques, but still using traditional methods, continues to be her main focus of creativity.
Esther also runs a home based business, called What’s Weft (since1983). She sells wool, silk fibres, spinning & weaving equipment.