Sarah Palmer

Finding Truth and Beauty in the Grotesque
People often smile when they first look at one of Sarah’s paintings, drawings or sketches. They see a pleasing work of art. Something different. They see characters who are funny, eccentric, and often grotesque.
Take a second look and the characters begin to reveal themselves. All is not what it appears to be.
A shift in perception happens in every one of Sarah’s works and is most obvious in works that feature couples. Sarah’s couples are often entwined but it is not clear how they really feel about each other. Look at their eyes. Disinterest? Unease? Suspicion? Menace? Look at their hands. Embracing or pushing away? A loving touch or an awkward moment? And look at the secondary figures. A dog, a plane, a frog, a fishbowl. What story ties everything together? What do you think now and how do you feel?
Sarah’s paintings, drawings and sketches engage you. They are beautiful and challenging.