Jun 20- 23, 2024

Jun 20- 23, 2024

Outdoor Painting – Juried Competition

The 9th annual Quinte en Plein Air Festival is a four-day event where emerging and established artists leave their studios behind to paint and showcase their work “en plein air.” En Plein air painting yields work that is both spontaneous and lively as light, form and colour change throughout the day. Artists have the opportunity to capture the beautiful images of historic downtown Belleville, the shores of the Bay of Quinte, the famous ‘Old East Hill,’ the Moira River, and numerous other painting locations in the Quinte region.

This event is a juried competition open to artists from anywhere in the world, working in various mediums such as: watercolour, acrylic, soft pastel and oil. We invite you to join us on this special weekend and participate in our unique one-of-a kind-event, celebrating the Quinte en Plein Air Festival!

Artists have between Thursday morning at 9:30 am and Saturday afternoon by 2 pm to create and submit up to two works for consideration by our esteemed judge (TBA).

The energy and excitement of the festival culminates in a closing ceremony and awards presentation where judges will award prizes. All are welcome to attend. Following the festival, art lovers are encouraged to visit the Quinte en Plein Air Exhibit to view or purchase the art.

First prize $1,000
Second prize $500
Third prize $300
Mayor’s choice $200
Paint Off – Downtown $200
People’s Choice $200
Honorable Mentions $200 each

The juror for this competition is Keith Thirgood, President of the Ontario Plein Air Society (OPAS).

Artwork by Stephen Snider, First place 2023

Calendar of Events for Quinte en Plein Air – June 20-23, 2024

Thurs. June 20:
9:30am Artist Registration open all day
9:30- 4:30 pm Artists Paint

Fri. June 21:
9:30- 4:30 pm Artists Paint
3:00- 5:00 pm Artist Reception at the QAC Cultural Hub

5:00 pm Paint off is during Downtown at Dusk
Sponsored by BDIA

Sat. June 22:
9- 2 pm Artists Paint
10 am- 12 pm Artist Professional Development lecture/demo
Art can be delivered to QAC until 4 pm

Sun. June 23:
10 am Jurors selection
1:30- 3:30 pm Plein Air Closing Ceremony and Reception at Paulo’s 38 Bridge Street

Generously sponsored by the City of Belleville

Generously sponsored by the City of Belleville


Quinte en Plein Air 2023

Belleville Marina
Belleville MarinaBy Stephen Snider1st Place
Roses in the Vinyard
Roses in the VinyardBy Linda Barber2nd Place
Diva's Hats
Diva's HatsBy Lisa Leskien3rd Place
Above the Dock
Above the DockBy David St. PierreBest Bay of Quinte Waterfront
Front Street
Front StreetBy Kishor SonawanBest Downtown Belleville
City Hall
City HallBy David St. PierreMayor's Choice
Evening Reflection
Evening ReflectionBy Yuriy OmelyanenkoPeople's Choice